
Sunday, December 26, 2010

It is once again a new year

So fast and one year finally come to say its bye.. Well, undeniable, this week is eventually the worst week of my life. Down with both red eyes, i cant really recalled what is the so fun about everything.. Well, i may have a quiet xmas and new year but indeed, i found out that home is the best place for me to find my piece of comfort..

I dont want to leave this place yet, but, the call to go on to further study is already at the corner. Awaiting me each day and it is indeed ruining my mood. Why would i be greedy? Why I cant just appreciate each single moment i had? Argghh.. This is so full of myself again...

Adapting to the so called surrounding again when i am already comfortable...... I started to question myself again if i will be regretting it the next minutes...

I wished there is a real fairytale out there. But there wasnt really any for me i guess.. For so, not that i dont deserve it yet, it doesnt deserve me perhaps. That was great as i realised it by myself... Ahhh.. This is all the bad influence from korean drama.. AHHH..

So, this new year come with few new resolution.. I will change into some family girl. I will love my family even more. Because it is them who with me during the darkest week of the year... When i cant see clearly, somehow, they showed me what is ahead.... Haha.. Happy new year in advance.. ;p

I hope to find the star someday.. AHh.. korean drama.. yoyo

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