W A T C H A ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Officially graduated from UPM...
To be continued..
It been a three year journey. Making myself so long in the field. Yet to be honest, each loving days i have over here memorable in the sense that none of it really been wasted. Well, what can i expected more when at the end of the days, I think i never made the wrong decision. The fact of me to be or not to be a professional architect is still a mystery. How long will i persist with the passion..
Aloha, I love architecture.. I can only say this after I am released from the Prison of Archi ! Until the day when i really released on bail only i realised that the track that i left behind is so different than others. Unique in the own way and i am proud.
The major difference between me now and three years back are :
I am more M A T U R E
I am more H A R D W O R K I N G
I am more C R A Z Y
I am more D U R A B L E
I am more R E S P O N S I B L E
I am more R O B O T
I am more U G L Y
I am more S M A R T
Guess there is no other courses that can change so many things at a time.
And to be honestly, architecture trained the relationship of studio mate very well. I think i missed almost every of them. No matter they are dark, fair, ugly, pretty, nerd, sarcastic, lazy or smart, they really did left the deep mark on me. Because it is them. My so called studio mates for three years.
Their smiles, their jokes, their tears, their acts, their works, their words, their emotion will be remembered as long as I breath. Long hail the souls. ;p
Graduating mean there is the start of the working life. Been adapting but seem i missed out something behind. A graduation trip. Well, maybe i should plan ahead for that. Not gonna to lose that. And I am so then officially graduated from the prison of arxhitexturE. I am F R E E ! ! !
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